Humana Find a Doctor
Check with your Employer to see which network(s) are available to your plan.
National POS – Open Access – Network is Humana’s largest with providers throughout the US
HMO Premier – is a large provider Network mainly in Georgia – has 94% of providers in GA NPOS. The HMO doesn’t have any out of network benefits, no coverage. It has very limited providers outside of Georgia. Emergencies and Urgent care are covered anywhere in the US.
Step 1: Go to and scroll to the bottom of the page. Then click Find a Doctor
Step 2: Search as Just Looking
Mark your Settings:
- Insurance through your employer
- Enter doctor’s zip code
- Network Select: “National POS – Open Access” or “HMO Premier” this must be exact
- Search by Name
Rx Formulary Drug Lists
HSA Plans 2019 Humana HDHP EHB Drug List
Simplicity Plans # 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 2019 Humana Rx4 EHB Drug List
Simplicity Plans # 5 and 7 2019 Humana Rx5 Plus Drug List
Enrollment Forms