Find a Doctor
Ambetter is now available to residents in 90 Georgia counties Coverage Area Map
Find a Doctor Instructions
This search will produce a list of providers within 200 miles of your selected location
You can click on FILTER RESULTS to further refine your search (options include: accepting new
patients, open weekends, etc.). Under FILTER RESULTS, you can also enter a preferred
HOSPITAL AFFILIATION which will further narrow your search results.
Find a Hospital Instructions
Detail Search > Type of Provider > Hospital > General Acute Care Hospital
BlueCross – Find a Doctor
Step1: Scroll down to Search as a Guest, click Search by a Plan or Network
Mark your Settings:
- Type of Care “Medical”
- Georgia
- Select a plan/network, scroll to “Medical (Individual & Families)” select “Pathway Guided Access HMO Products” this must be exact. Continue.
Step 3: Change the “Who Specializes in” field to “All Specialties” and enter the name of the doctor and the zip code
Kaiser – Find a doctor