To determine if you are eligible for free government assistance to help pay for health insurance, you must apply through the subsidy enrollment link on our website.
Use the checklist below to help you gather what you need to determine if you are eligible.
In order to be eligible for a subsidy your tax household’s 2017 estimated income must be between 100%-400% of the FPL as shown in the chart below.
2016 Federal Poverty Level Guidelines – used for 2017 determination
Tax Filing Status # exemptions claimed on 1040 (# of people in tax household) |
100% Minimum Income | 400% Maximum Income |
1 | $11,880 | $47,520 |
2 | $16,020 | $64,080 |
3 | $20,160 | $80,640 |
4 | $24,300 | $97,200 |
5 | $28,440 | $113,760 |
To apply for a subsidy to help pay for health insurance the following information will be needed:
- Your best estimate of your 2017 household income
- Social Security Numbers (or document numbers for legal immigrants) for all household members
- Employer and income for every household member (including Employer Name and Phone #)
- Calculate your free government assistance, apply, and enroll in a health insurance plan now on our federally certified subsidy enrollment website.
Please Book a Phone Appointment for assistance.